Many of our smARTpass partners have been/are now offering tickets to in-person events, classes and performances. (Be sure to check their websites for COVID instructions that may apply.) Great to be able to visit our Twin Cities arts organizations in person again!
From time to time smARTpass partners have events that are free but require reservations/registration. These events are identified by the "Open" icon and do not count against your smARTpass reservation limits.
Sign-up for e-mail updates below to be the first to find out when offers are available.
Welcome to smARTpass!
If you have any difficulty setting up/logging in to smARTpass with your library card barcode, please contact your library.
The arts access program available exclusively to metro public library users! If you have a library card from one of the eight public library systems in the Twin Cities, you have the opportunity to reserve free and/or discounted admission to a wide range of arts experiences.
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The smARTpass arts partners have generously agreed to offer a substantial number of free admissions - they are NOT reimbursed for these. Without their willingness to provide free admissions, smARTpass would not exist!
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Interested in knowing when new offers are posted from particular partner organizations? Sign up for an e-mail newsletter via the My Reservations tab.
(Please keep in mind that tickets often go fast - sometimes within minutes of when new offers are posted - so depending when you check your e-mail, offers may or may not be available.)
Take Our Survey
Have you attended a smARTpass event and want help shape the future of our program? Please help us out with this 5-minute smARTpass Survey.
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smARTpass Sponsors

How It Works
The same way you enlarge your world through attending programs and classes at your library and checking out a wide range of resources, you are now invited to broaden your cultural experiences beyond the library’s walls through smARTpass, an arts access website offering free and discount admissions to a variety of Twin Cities cultural destinations.